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Snapshots – Windsor Aerosol Alley Project 2012

Snapshots – Windsor Aerosol Alley Project 2012

About a year ago, we started working on a project in Prahran/Windsor with local artist and film media guru Wayne Tindall, at a laneway that was given the title Union Lane (it runs between Green and Union streets in Windsor). We helped organise a whole group of artists to paint for the first session, and then we helped again for a second session during winter last year – both were a great success. You can see photos from the first paintup here and the second session here.

When we’d finished off the laneway, (for the most part), I looked over at a big carpark towards the end of the laneway and remarked to Wayne how great it would be if we could paint there – he said he’d make enquiries and see what he could do …


Some months later, after a  bunch of organising, a very supportive building owners permission, as well as with Wayne and his wife Annes generous above and beyond help (Anne and Wayne run the amazing Change The World organisation that you should check out), we had the paint and lifts organised and were ready to go. This was our big end of year painting session, and we wanted to see out 2012 with a bang.

It took us a day to buff the entirety of the carpark – we went for a simple primary colour scheme to hold it all together, and still give everyone free reign to paint as they liked.


We invited a bunch of people down to paint, not only was almost our entire WSW crew present (Conrad Bizjak, Heesco, P-Yeah, Jack Douglas, Hancock, Unwell Bunny and myself – minus Mysterious Al who was off in Thailand on a beach somewhere) but we invited down a whole bunch of people who we thought would enjoy a bit of an epic paint. Meggs, DVATE, Gent, S4beth, Porno, Askem, Presto, Eleven, Phoenix and Dcat all joined in on the action – a massive thanks to all of them for their time and amazing artwork, and to everyone else who helped out with the project.

There is currently a documentary being made of the entire project by Wayne Tindall and David Russell charting the progress of all three painting sessions over the past year or so (you can see part of the eventual doco from the first painting session below

– its going to be grand, and we’ll let you know when its coming out; the plan is to have a big festival in the laneway and carpark for its release.

There are also a bunch of great pics of the finished product over at Land Of Sunshine for you to check out. From us, though, heres a bunch of progress pics of the whole shebang from Dave Russell, of what we now affectionately call “Aerosol Alley” ..

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